Internet use and social networking in England - 2019 data

Those of you who have seen previous blog posts I have written will know I love digital, and I love data.

I often write about reports that have been released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and GOV.UK, but particularly those on social media and internet usage (although the River Tyne fish count is always fascinating - honestly!).

The latest report I’ve read is the Taking Part Survey, compiled by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport since 2005. It’s primarily focused on access to and usage of libraries, the arts, museums and leisure facilities in England, however, they also include a chapter on internet use and social networking.

The key points from the report echo what I’ve read elsewhere across 2019; that internet and social media usage continues to grow, including amongst the over 65s.

Here are the key things to take away from the report:

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  • 92% of adults have access to the internet at home

  • 90% have used the internet at some point in their life - the figure that surprised me the most

  • 84% of adults have used social networking sites or apps at least once in the past 12 months; 52.5% several times a day

  • More than 60% of 65-74 year olds have used social media in the last 12 months.

Read more in the full Taking Part 2018/19 report